Treehouse Review

Treehouse Review for 2023

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Last Updated: May 9, 2023

treehouse review

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, continuous learning is crucial, and Treehouse stands out as a major online learning platform that enables users to develop their technical skills. In this Treehouse review, I'll provide an in-depth analysis of Treehouse to help you determine if it fits your learning journey.

Treehouse's Mission and Focus

Founded in 2011, Treehouse's mission is to provide affordable technology education to people of all backgrounds and skill levels. Their primary focus is coding, design, and business-related courses, making them ideal for individuals looking to break into the tech industry or enhance their skills.

Treehouse offers diverse courses, learning tracks, and Techdegree programs in web development, mobile development, game development, data analysis, UX/UI design, and more. The platform emphasizes hands-on learning and real-world projects, ensuring students can apply their newfound skills immediately. With a combination of video lectures, quizzes, and interactive coding exercises, Treehouse aims to make learning engaging, fun, and accessible to all.

Key Features of Treehouse

Treehouse boasts various features designed to make the learning experience enjoyable, engaging, and beneficial. In this section, I'll explore some of the most notable features that make Treehouse stand out among other online learning platforms.

Free Trial

Treehouse offers a 7-day free trial, which allows you to explore the platform and its courses before making any financial commitment. This trial period is an excellent opportunity to determine if Treehouse's teaching style, course offerings, and platform interface align with your learning preferences and goals.

Real-World Project Experience

One of the most valuable aspects of Treehouse's learning approach is its emphasis on real-world projects. Throughout the courses, you'll have the chance to work on practical projects that simulate real-life challenges faced by professionals in the industry. These projects help solidify your understanding of the material and allow you to build a portfolio showcasing your skills to potential employers.

High-Quality Courses

Industry experts develop Treehouse's courses with years of experience in their respective fields. This ensures the content is relevant, up-to-date, and reflects current industry standards. Additionally, courses are designed with video lectures, quizzes, and interactive coding exercises to cater to various learning styles and promote active learning.

Career Focused

Treehouse's primary focus is helping students develop skills in high demand in the tech industry. This career-focused approach ensures that the platform offers courses directly applicable to job opportunities. As a result, it is an ideal choice for individuals looking to enter or advance in the tech sector.

Self-Paced Learning

Treehouse offers self-paced learning, allowing you to progress through the courses quickly. This flexibility ensures you can balance your learning with other commitments, such as work or family. Moreover, self-paced learning promotes a deeper understanding of the material, as you can revisit concepts and spend more time on challenging topics as needed.

Diverse Course Library

With over 300 courses and learning tracks available, Treehouse has a diverse course library that caters to various interests and skill levels. You can find courses on web development, mobile development, game development, data analysis, UX/UI design, and more from beginner to advanced. This wide range of offerings enables you to explore different fields and expand your skill set.

Techdegree Programs

In addition to individual courses and learning tracks, Treehouse offers Techdegree programs – a more structured and comprehensive learning experience. Techdegree programs are designed to provide in-depth training in specific fields, such as full-stack JavaScript, Python development, and UX design. In addition, these programs include a more extensive curriculum, real-world projects, peer reviews, and even a final capstone project, making them an excellent option for a more immersive and guided learning experience.

Drawbacks of Treehouse

Every online learning platform has pros and cons; Treehouse is no exception. In this section, I'll delve deeper into Treehouse's limitations and drawbacks to better understand its potential shortcomings.

Credit Card Required for Free Trial

Treehouse offers a 7-day free trial, allowing users to test the platform and its course offerings without making an immediate financial commitment. However, you must provide your credit card information during the signup process to access this trial. While this is standard practice for many subscription-based platforms, it can be a concern for users who are hesitant to share their payment details.

Some users may worry about potential security risks and unintentional charges or prefer to keep their credit card information private. Additionally, if you forget to cancel your subscription before the trial period ends, your credit card will be automatically charged for the next billing cycle. As such, you'll need to be vigilant about keeping track of your trial period and canceling your subscription if you decide Treehouse isn't right.

Limited Course Topics Outside of Tech

Treehouse primarily focuses on tech-related courses, covering web development, mobile development, data analysis, and UX/UI design. While this specialization makes Treehouse an excellent choice for individuals looking to break into or advance within the tech industry, it can be a limitation for those interested in exploring other subject areas.

If you want to learn about history, literature, or psychology, you won't find these courses on Treehouse. In this case, consider alternative platforms such as Coursera, edX, or Udemy, which offer a wider range of subjects beyond technology. It's essential to keep this limitation in mind when evaluating Treehouse as your primary learning platform.

Lack of Accreditation

Treehouse's courses and Techdegree programs are not accredited by any formal educational institutions, which may be a drawback for some users. However, accreditation can be important for those seeking to earn formal credentials or transfer credits to other institutions.

The lack of accreditation means that Treehouse's courses and programs might not be recognized, like a degree or certificate from an accredited institution. This can be particularly relevant if you want to pursue further education, as accredited schools may not accept Treehouse courses as prerequisites or transfer credits.

However, it's crucial to note that in the tech industry, many companies emphasize skills and experience over formal education. As a result, Treehouse's course offerings can still be valuable for advancing your career, even without accreditation. Furthermore, Treehouse's real-world projects and practical approach to learning can help you build a strong portfolio to showcase your skills to potential employers.

Ultimately, when considering Treehouse as a learning platform, it's essential to weigh the drawbacks against its many benefits to determine if it's the right choice for your educational goals and career aspirations.

Who is Treehouse Best Suited For?

Treehouse offers diverse courses and learning tracks, making it an appealing choice for various learners. However, the platform is particularly well-suited for certain groups of individuals. In this section, we'll look at who can benefit the most from Treehouse's offerings.

Career Changers

If you're considering a career change into the tech industry, Treehouse can be an excellent choice. With its focus on in-demand tech skills, such as web development, mobile development, data analysis, and UX/UI design, Treehouse can help you build the foundational knowledge and practical experience needed to transition into a new role.

Treehouse's real-world projects provide hands-on experience that can be invaluable in preparing you for your new career. Additionally, the platform's Techdegree programs offer more structured and comprehensive learning paths, which can be especially beneficial for those looking to make a significant career shift.

Professionals Looking to Upskill

For professionals already working in the tech industry, Treehouse offers opportunities to enhance your skill set and stay current with the latest industry trends. Upskilling is essential in today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, and Treehouse's diverse course library can help you expand your knowledge in various areas.

Whether you're a web developer looking to learn a new programming language, a designer interested in mastering the latest design tools, or a data analyst wanting to improve your data visualization skills, Treehouse has courses tailored to your needs. The self-paced learning model also allows you to balance your educational pursuits with your current job responsibilities.

Absolute Beginners

Treehouse is also an excellent choice for absolute beginners with little to no prior experience in tech. The platform offers beginner-friendly courses and learning tracks to help you build a solid foundation in various tech fields. In addition, Treehouse's engaging and interactive teaching style, which combines video lectures, quizzes, and coding exercises, makes it easy for beginners to grasp complex concepts.

Furthermore, Treehouse provides a supportive community where learners can connect with peers and instructors, ask questions, and share their experiences. This sense of community can be invaluable for beginners, as it fosters a positive learning environment and provides additional resources for overcoming challenges and staying motivated throughout the learning process.

Treehouse Pricing and Subscription Options

Treehouse offers various pricing plans and subscription options to cater to different needs and budgets. In this section, I'll provide an overview of the available plans, their costs, and what they include to help you decide which option best fits your learning goals.

Monthly Subscription

Treehouse's monthly subscription plan, called the "Basic Plan," is priced at $25 monthly. This plan lets you access Treehouse's entire course library, including all video lectures, quizzes, and interactive coding exercises. You'll also be able to participate in the platform's community forums and receive access to workspaces – Treehouse's browser-based coding environment. A monthly subscription is an excellent option for those who prefer a flexible, pay-as-you-go approach to learning, as it allows you to cancel or pause your subscription at any time.

Annual Subscription

For a more cost-effective option, Treehouse offers an annual subscription plan called the "Pro Plan," priced at $250 per year. By opting for the annual plan, you'll save $50 compared to paying for the monthly subscription over 12 months. The Pro Plan includes all the features and benefits of the Basic Plan, as well as access to exclusive bonus content, such as conference talks, workshops, and downloadable course materials. The annual subscription can be great if you're committed to long-term learning and want additional resources.

Techdegree Pricing

In addition to the Basic and Pro subscription plans, Treehouse offers specialized Techdegree programs. These programs provide the following:

  • A more structured and comprehensive learning experience
  • Focusing on specific tech fields, such as full-stack JavaScript
  • Python development
  • UX design

Techdegree programs include:

  • A more extensive curriculum
  • Real-world projects
  • Peer reviews
  • A final capstone project

Techdegree pricing is separate from the Basic and Pro subscription plans, with each program priced at $199 per month. While this cost is higher than the other subscription options, the Techdegree programs offer a more in-depth and guided learning experience designed to prepare you for a specific career path in the tech industry. As a result, tech degree programs can be an excellent investment if you're seeking an immersive learning experience with a clear end goal in mind.

It's essential to consider your learning objectives, budget, and desired level of commitment when choosing a Treehouse subscription option. By selecting the plan that best aligns with your needs, you can maximize the value you receive from the platform and achieve your educational goals.

Getting Started with Treehouse

Starting your learning journey with Treehouse is a simple process. In this section, I'll guide you through the steps to open a Treehouse account and navigate the platform's interface, so you can begin exploring courses and learning tracks immediately.

How to Open a Treehouse Account

  1. Visit the Treehouse website ( and click on "Start your free trial" or "Sign up" to begin the registration process.
  2. Enter your email address, choose a password, and select a username for your Treehouse account.
  3. Select your preferred subscription plan (Basic or Pro) or a Techdegree program. Remember that you'll have a 7-day free trial for the Basic and Pro plans, but you'll need to provide your credit card information during signup.
  4. Fill in your payment details. If you're signing up for the free trial, your credit card will be charged once the trial period ends. However, ensure you cancel your subscription before the trial ends if you decide not to continue with Treehouse.
  5. Complete the registration process, and you'll be redirected to the Treehouse dashboard.

Now that you've successfully created your Treehouse account, it's time to familiarize yourself with the platform's interface.

Navigating the Treehouse Interface

  1. Dashboard: Once logged in, you'll land on the Treehouse dashboard. The dashboard provides an overview of your learning progress, including your current courses, recent activity, and recommended courses based on your interests.
  2. Library: Click the "Library" tab in the top menu to access Treehouse's extensive course library. Here, you can browse all available courses and learning tracks organized by topics such as Web Development, Mobile Development, Data Science, and more. You can also use the search bar to find specific courses or filter the results by skill level, duration, or instructor.
  3. Workspaces: Workspaces is Treehouse's browser-based coding environment where you can practice coding and work on exercises. Click the "Workspaces" tab in the top menu to access Workspaces. You can create new workspaces, save progress, and access pre-built workspaces related to specific courses.
  4. Community: The Treehouse community is a valuable resource for connecting with other learners, asking questions, and sharing experiences. To access the community forums, click the "Community" tab in the top menu.
  5. My Profile: To manage your account settings, view your learning history, or update your payment information, click on your profile icon in the top-right corner of the screen and select "My Profile" from the dropdown menu.

By familiarizing yourself with the Treehouse interface and its various features, you'll be well-prepared to explore courses, engage with the community, and make the most of your learning experience on the platform.

Popular Treehouse Courses and Tracks

Treehouse offers an extensive library of courses and learning tracks that cater to various tech-related skills and interests. This section will discuss popular courses, learning tracks, and Techdegree programs to help you decide which ones best fit your learning journey.

Top Courses

Introduction to HTML and CSS is a beginner-friendly course that covers the fundamentals of HTML and CSS, teaching you how to create simple web pages and apply basic styling. Another popular course, JavaScript Basics, introduces learners to JavaScript, a widely-used programming language for web development. For those interested in the versatile Python programming language, the Python Basics course is an excellent starting point.

Recommended Learning Tracks

The Front End, Web Development Track, teaches essential front-end web development skills, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, to help you create visually appealing and interactive websites. Next, the Full Stack JavaScript Track dives deeper into JavaScript, showing you how to build complete web applications using this programming language for both the front-end and back-end. Finally, for those interested in data analysis, the Data Analysis Track provides an in-depth exploration of data analysis and visualization techniques using Python and SQL.

Techdegree Programs

Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree is a comprehensive program that trains you to become a full-stack JavaScript developer, covering both front-end and back-end technologies. Python Web Developer Techdegree equips you with the skills to build web applications using Python and the Django web framework. Finally, the UX Design Techdegree program focuses on teaching the principles of user experience design, usability testing, and prototyping.

In summary, Treehouse offers various popular courses, learning tracks, and Techdegree programs catering to various interests and skill levels. By exploring these options, you can find the right learning path to help you achieve your educational and career goals.

Tips for Choosing the Right Treehouse Course

With a vast selection of courses and learning tracks available on Treehouse, finding the perfect course for your needs can seem overwhelming. This section will discuss seven strategies to help you choose the right Treehouse course that aligns with your interests, goals, and skill level.

7 Strategies for Finding the Perfect Fit

  1. Define your learning objectives: Start by outlining specific learning goals. Are you seeking to develop new skills, advance your knowledge, or transition to a new career? Identifying your objectives will help you focus on courses that align with your needs.
  2. Assess your current skill level: Be honest with yourself about your current skill level. Treehouse courses range from beginner to advanced, so choosing a course that matches your current knowledge will ensure you feel energized and energized.
  3. Explore course descriptions and syllabus: Read through the course descriptions and syllabi to understand the content, structure, and prerequisites. This will give you a better understanding of what to expect and whether the course aligns with your interests and goals.
  4. Consider the learning format: Different people have different learning preferences. Some prefer video lectures, while others enjoy hands-on coding exercises or interactive quizzes. Please review the course materials and format to ensure they align with your preferred learning style.
  5. Check instructor credentials: Treehouse courses are taught by industry professionals and experienced educators. Research the instructors' backgrounds and expertise to ensure you're learning from knowledgeable and reliable sources.
  6. Read user reviews and testimonials: Explore user reviews and testimonials to gain insight into other learners' experiences. This can provide valuable information about the course's effectiveness, pacing, and difficulty level.
  7. Start with a learning track: If you need help deciding which course to choose, consider starting with a learning track. Treehouse's learning tracks bundle-related courses to provide a comprehensive learning path, ensuring you cover all necessary skills in a specific topic or field.

By implementing these strategies, you can make a more informed decision when selecting a Treehouse course that best aligns with your interests, goals, and skill level, setting you up for success in your learning journey.

Treehouse's Impact on Your Career

The primary goal of most learners on Treehouse is to develop new skills or enhance existing ones to further their careers. In this section, we'll explore real-world success stories of Treehouse users and discuss how the platform can help you advance your career.

Real-World Success Stories

Treehouse has helped numerous learners achieve their career goals by transitioning to a new field, securing promotions, or starting businesses. Sarah, a graphic designer, wanted to expand her skillset and transition into web development. After completing Treehouse's Front End Web Development Track, she landed a job as a junior web developer within a few months. Tim, a marketing professional, decided to learn coding to enhance his digital marketing skills. Through Treehouse's Full Stack JavaScript Track, he acquired the necessary coding skills, which allowed him to secure a promotion to a higher-paying role as a digital marketing manager. Lisa, a stay-at-home mom, used Treehouse to learn web development and launch her own freelance business, providing local clients with web design and development services.

How Treehouse Can Help Advance Your Career

Treehouse focuses on teaching skills in high demand in the tech industry, such as web development, data analysis, and UX design. You'll become a more attractive candidate in the job market by mastering these skills. Additionally, Treehouse's project-based courses provide hands-on experience, allowing you to build a portfolio of work that showcases your skills to potential employers.

Treehouse's Techdegree programs offer a structured and comprehensive learning path with capstone projects and real-world applications, providing a solid foundation in a particular field. Furthermore, Treehouse's active community of learners and professionals offers networking opportunities, which can lead to potential job prospects or collaborations.

The tech industry constantly evolves, and Treehouse regularly updates its course library to reflect current trends and technologies. Staying up-to-date with the latest skills will help you remain competitive in the job market. In addition, by leveraging Treehouse's resources, real-world projects, and community support, you can develop the skills and experience needed to advance your career and achieve your professional goals.

Is Treehouse Legit?

When considering an online learning platform, it's important to determine if it's a legitimate and trustworthy resource. This section will discuss testimonials and reviews from real Treehouse users and compare Treehouse to accredited institutions to help you understand the platform's credibility.

Testimonials and Reviews from Real Users

Gathering testimonials and reviews from real users is an effective way to gauge the authenticity and reliability of a learning platform. For example, Treehouse has numerous positive reviews and success stories from students who have used the platform to learn new skills, switch careers, or advance in their current roles. These testimonials demonstrate the platform's ability to deliver valuable, high-quality content and a positive learning experience.

Comparing Treehouse to Accredited Institutions

While Treehouse may not have the same level of accreditation as traditional educational institutions, it offers a unique and accessible way for learners to acquire in-demand tech skills. The platform's courses are designed by industry professionals and experienced educators, ensuring the content is relevant, up-to-date, and valuable.

Moreover, Treehouse's focus on project-based learning and hands-on experience helps learners develop practical skills that can be directly applied in the workplace. Many employers in the tech industry value the practical skills and portfolio of work that Treehouse students can demonstrate over formal degrees and certifications.

In conclusion, Treehouse is a legitimate and trustworthy online learning platform that has helped countless learners achieve their educational and career goals. Although it may not have the same accreditation as traditional institutions, the platform's focus on practical, industry-relevant skills and a project-based approach to learning makes it a valuable resource for those looking to advance or transition into tech careers.

Alternative Online Learning Platforms

While Treehouse is a popular choice for those looking to learn tech skills, several alternative online learning platforms are worth considering. This section will briefly review some of these alternatives, including DataCamp, Udacity, LinkedIn Learning, Codecademy, Khan Academy, Coursera, and edX.

DataCamp Review

DataCamp is an online learning platform specializing in data science, analytics, and programming, offering Python, R, SQL, and more courses. It's an excellent option for those focusing on data-related skills and careers.

Udacity Review

Udacity offers "Nanodegree" programs in various tech fields, including web development, data science, and artificial intelligence. Its courses are project-based and often developed in collaboration with industry partners, providing learners real-world experience.

LinkedIn Learning Review

LinkedIn Learning, formerly, offers courses across numerous fields, including technology, business, and creative skills. It's a versatile platform that provides learners access to tech-specific and broader professional development content.

Codecademy Review

Codecademy is another online learning platform that teaches programming languages and web development. Its interactive, hands-on approach to learning and wide range of courses make it popular for beginners looking to learn to code.

Khan Academy Review

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization that offers free courses in various subjects, including math, science, and computing. It's a great option for those seeking a cost-free way to learn or reinforce foundational knowledge in various fields.

Coursera Review

Coursera partners with top universities and institutions to offer online courses, specializations, and degree programs. It covers subjects from computer science to humanities, making it suitable for those looking for a more traditional, comprehensive learning experience.

edX Review

edX, founded by Harvard University and MIT, offers many courses and programs from top universities and institutions worldwide. Like Coursera, edX provides learners access to diverse subjects and the opportunity to earn certificates or even complete degree programs.

When choosing an online learning platform, it's essential to consider its focus, course offerings, teaching style, and pricing factors. By exploring these alternatives, you can find the platform that best suits your needs and learning objectives.

Final Verdict: Is Treehouse Worth the Investment?

Whether to invest in a Treehouse subscription depends on your individual needs, goals, and preferences. In this section, we'll weigh the pros and cons of the platform and guide you to making an informed decision.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Treehouse offers many advantages for learners looking to develop tech skills. Its high-quality, project-based courses allow students to gain hands-on experience and build a portfolio of work that can be showcased to potential employers. In addition, the platform's career-focused approach, diverse course library, and self-paced learning make it an appealing option for those looking to transition into tech careers or upskill in their current roles.

However, there are some drawbacks to consider as well. For example, Treehouse requires a credit card for the free trial, which might be a barrier for some learners. Additionally, the platform has limited courses outside the tech field and needs traditional educational institutions' accreditation.

Making an Informed Decision

When determining if Treehouse is worth the investment, consider the following factors:

  1. Your learning objectives: Is your primary goal to develop tech skills or explore a wider range of subjects? If you're focused on tech, Treehouse may be a good fit. However, other platforms like Coursera or edX might be more suitable if you're looking for broader course offerings.
  2. Your budget: Compare Treehouse's pricing and subscription options to other online learning platforms. Assess whether the cost aligns with your budget and the value you expect to gain from the courses.
  3. Your preferred learning style: Do you enjoy project-based, self-paced learning or prefer a more structured approach? Consider whether Treehouse's teaching style aligns with your learning preferences.
  4. Accreditation: There may be better options than Treehouse if you need an accredited course or degree for your career or educational goals. In this case, consider platforms like Coursera or edX that partner with accredited institutions.

By weighing the pros and cons of Treehouse and considering your individual needs and goals, you can decide whether the platform is worth the investment for your learning journey.

SkillEvolver Review Methodology follows a rigorous methodology to create transparent, high-quality reviews of online learning platforms and financial products. Our team consists of professionals with extensive experience in these fields. We prioritize reader interests, test products under real-world conditions, and regularly update our content. Our reviews cover categories such as customer support, usability, and certificates. Adhering to a strict code of conduct, we ensure honesty and transparency in our content, making a trustworthy source for reviews and information.

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